Specialist in Education - Educational Leadership

Columbus State University
Degree Level Education Specialist
Total Credit Hours 36

Program Description

The Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership program is designed to prepare system-level leaders who can effectively address district-level educational issues by appropriately applying theory and research-based practices. Program candidates will build knowledge about the functions of high achieving school districts in areas such as curriculum, instruction, management, personnel, finance, school law, and public relations, as well as how the interaction of these areas at the district-level ultimately contributes to student achievement. It is expected that candidates who successfully complete the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership will be committed to improving student achievement and occupy key leadership positions in Georgia school systems.

The Tier II program leads toward certification for people who seek to become building level leaders or district level leaders. To apply, the candidate must currently hold a leadership position, be recommended by the district superintendent, and must already hold a Tier I leadership certification. At the end of the Tier II program, the candidate will need to take the PASL Assessment in order to apply for the certificate upgrade.

With the Tier II certification, the candidate may apply to become a building principal, an assistant superintendent, or a superintendent of a school district. As in the Tier I program, there are two (2) programs of study: the Tier II Full Degree or the Tier II Add-On. The full degree is for people who do not currently hold an Education Specialist degree, but do hold Tier I certification; the add-on is for those candidates who currently hold an Education Specialist degree but do not hold Tier I certification.

The candidate will also work with a mentor who is currently serving as a building principal or as a district level administrator. Your district must approve of the mentor and you will need to provide the mentor’s leadership Certificate ID number as required by the GA Professional Standards Commission. The Tier II program requires the candidate to accumulate 750 residency (internship) hours.

The Ed. S. Educational Leadership program is approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Admissions Information

Admission requirements for the Columbus State University Educational Specialist Degree Program in Educational Leadership meet the Educational Program Preparation (EPP) guidelines stated in Georgia Educational Leadership Rule 505-3-.0.

Candidates must:

  1. Complete an application for admission to the Graduate School at Columbus State University.
  2. Be accepted into the Columbus State University Graduate School.
  3. Provide official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework from each school previously attended and have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or better on all graduate course work in fulfillment of the requirements for the latest graduate degree.
  4. Provide a statement of purpose. This statement addresses the candidate’s reason for pursuing a career in educational leadership and why the Educational Leadership Educational Specialist degree is the right fit to help reach the candidate’s goals.
  5. Provide two letters of reference. The letters specifically address the candidate’s ability to address the demands of high level graduate coursework and make a recommendation for admission to the program.
  6. Have proof of clear renewable teaching licensure
  7. Have a Master’s degree and 3 years of teaching experience and be currently employed in a K-12 district in a leadership role.
  8. Hold Tier I entry level certification or hold a valid, GA PSC-issued Standard Professional L or PL certificate in Educational Leadership;
  9. Serve in a leadership position at either the P-12 school or LUA level (or agency or organization equivalent to LUA level) that will enable the candidate to fully meet the program’s residency requirements.
  10. Meet Tier II GA PSC guidelines:
    1. Candidates who do not serve in a leadership position as described above may be enrolled if the EPP and employer establish a formal, written agreement specifying the candidate will be released from other responsibilities for a portion of the school week sufficient in length to allow the candidate to participate in and successfully complete residency performances.
    2. Employees of state education or human service agencies, RESAs, universities or technical colleges, and employees of education or human service non-profit organizations may also pursue Tier II leadership certification as long as the employer has established a partnership with a GA PSC-approved EPP and in the partnership agreement agrees to meet all requirements and guidelines accompanying this rule; and
  11. Meet program admission criteria and admission criteria specified in the partnership agreements with employers of enrolled candidates.
    1. All candidates admitted to any GA PSC-approved Educational Leadership program (current program or the new tiered model) on or after July 1, 2016, must complete (do not have to pass) Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership – Program Entry (370) prior to becoming enrolled. A candidate who completes this program entry requirement for Tier I does not have to complete it again for Tier II.
    2. Candidates admitted after July 1, 2016, must submit a copy of a Completion Certificate of having taken the GA Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment Program entry (370) pre- assessment as a condition of enrollment. This pre-assessment is online. Candidates enroll in this assessment through their MYPSC account at www.gapsc.com
  12. A clear background check. CSU recognizes a combination of a CURRENT copy of your current state teaching certification AND verification of current employment by employing superintendent or designee as adequate proof for a background check.
  13. Required Ethics Assessment:
    1. All candidates admitted to any GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership program (current program or the new tiered model) on or after July 1, 2016, must complete (do not have to pass) Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership – Program Entry (370) prior to becoming enrolled. A candidate who completes this program entry requirement for Tier I does not have to complete it again for Tier II.
    2. Candidates admitted after July 1, 2016, must submit a copy of a Completion Certificate of having taken the GA Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment Program entry (370) pre- assessment as a condition of enrollment. This pre-assessment is online. Candidates enroll in this assessment through their MYPSC account at www.gapsc.com

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